Keeping Your Mind and Body in a Healthy Shape

It is good that more and more people living in Phnom Penh turning to exercise to keep them healthy. Health is the most important gift on earth we could have. Imagine, you have million of dollars and you are lying on the bed with poor health? Unfortunately, there are not so many open spaces and big gardens for people using for recreation. We have Beoung Kak Lake in the middle of the city which would be a wonderful lake if preserved properly. It was a wonderful lake until it was neglected after 1992, polluted and finally filled in with sand few years ago. I do hope that the Phnom Penh Municipality will do more for its own people by constructing more sport complexes, more gardens, more parks and planting more trees; instead of just building ugly concrete jungles.

Our cycling team on a bridge

Our cycling team on a bridge

For a big city like Phnom Penh (1.5-2 million inhabitants), we do need more open space for people to relax and retrieve their energy after hard works. In Berlin, a city of 3.5 million inhabitants, they have a big park and spacious gardens in the middle of the city. Lakes and rivers are preserved for the great benefits of its people. In Munich (1.5 million), the famous English garden is very popular, especially during spring, summer and autumn. In Cologne (1 million), a big lake in the middle of the city is a real diamond. It is used for recreation and makes Cologne more beautiful. I love the city planning masters of those cities. They are not thinking just of money in the short-term, but well-being of their people in the longer term.

PPP-Aerobics gets the heart and mind in better shape for life.04.04.2013


  1. Pu, many thank for your kid sharing. I strong agree that the country should be developed in long term perspective and they need to learn the good model from other country rather than just say ” impossible”

    • Thank you for reading it. Now, we have a new City Boss and I hope that he might do something for the people here and not just to enrich himself and close supporters.

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